This Weekend in Kokomo - October 30-November 1 - The Local Buzz
Hey Kokomo! It’s Halloween weekend and our city has some awesome events going on this weekend for all ages! Keep reading for ways to get spooky this Halloween weekend!

Best Chocolate Treats in Kokomo
Hey Kokomo, Happy National Chocolate Day! In the last few years, some amazing bakeries and sweet shops have popped up in our town, and we are not disappointed! In honor of National Chocolate Day, we’ve compiled a list of some of our favorite chocolate treats and where you can find them. Chocolate lovers, keep reading!

Kokomo Celebrities Halloween Candy Picks
Hey Kokomo! You knock on the door and you scream the festive greeting as loud as you can, “TRICK OR TREAT!” What candy are you dreaming of getting? That’s the question we asked some local Kokomo celebrities and here’s what they had to say.

The Kokomo Post Picks of the Week - October 23rd
Hey Kokomo! Welcome to our Kokomo Post Picks of the week where our staffers and interns pick the things they’re enjoying from all around our favorite city!

This Weekend In Kokomo - October 23-25 - The Local Buzz
Hey, Kokomo! There are a ton of spooky events happening this weekend in preparation for Halloween, as well as live music and more. Keep reading below to find out What The Buzz is happening Locally in Kokomo this weekend.

Western's Purposeful Remodel
Hey Kokomo! The 103 new cafeteria tables at Western School Corporation represent a lot more than somewhere to sit down and eat with friends.

Muck Rock Brings New Art to Kokomo
Hey Kokomo! Artist Jules Muck, known professionally as Muck Rock, has invaded Kokomo and left some awesome new art for our community to enjoy.

The Kokomo Post Picks of the Week - October 16th
Hey Kokomo! Welcome to our Kokomo Post Picks of the week where our staffers and interns pick the things they’re enjoying from all around our favorite city! In no particular order:

Post Pop Quiz - Which Halloween Candy are You?
Hey Kokomo! We're weeks away from screaming TRICK OR TREAT in the faces of strangers and filling a bag with more candy than anyone could ever eat. With all of the excitement of Halloween being right around the corner we were curious... Which Halloween candy are you? Take this quiz to find out!

This Weekend In Kokomo - October 16-18 - The Local Buzz
Hey Kokomo! There is something for everyone to enjoy this weekend. Keep reading below to find out What The Buzz is happening locally in Kokomo this weekend. And make sure to tune in every Wednesday evening on The Kokomo Post Facebook page to see what else is happening in pop culture!

Post Pop Quiz - Which Kokomo Themed Halloween Costume Should You Be?
Hey Kokomo! It's that time of the year where you're trying to decide what you want to be for Halloween this year. Something scary? Funny? How about something local? Take this quiz to find out which Kokomo themed Halloween costume you should be this year…

Kokomo Restaurants to Visit Purely for Nostalgia - Part 2
Hey Kokomo! If you’re a longtime resident, you’ve grown to appreciate the nostalgia of certain classic restaurants in our city. Take a trip back in time with part 2 of restaurants that helped shape the food scene in Kokomo’s history!

This Weekend In Kokomo | October 9-11 | The Local Buzz
Hey Kokomo! If you’re a fan of live music, this is your weekend! Keep reading below to find out What The Buzz is happening Locally in Kokomo this weekend! And make sure to tune in every Wednesday evening to see what else is happening in pop culture!

The Kokomo Post Picks of the Week - October 9th
Hey Kokomo! Welcome to our Kokomo Post Picks of the week where our staffers and interns pick the things they’re enjoying from all around our favorite city! In no particular order:

What Not To Do in Kokomo this Fall
Hey Kokomo! We see you. You’re in it to win it this fall. It’s the time of year for pumpkin spice and everything nice. While many of you are out and about enjoying what is questionably the best time of the year, we want to point out a few things you should not do this year.

Top 5 Kokomo Themed Halloween Costumes
Hey Kokomo! My family and I visited Target this weekend and of course, we had to stop by the Halloween section to see what kind of costumes were popular this year. I was highly disappointed to see there were no Kokomo themed costumes. So, in defiance of the selection, here is my list of the top 5 Kokomo themed Halloween costumes that you can do this year.

Kokomo Restaurants to Visit Purely for Nostalgia
Hey Kokomo! If you’re a longtime resident, you’ve grown to appreciate the nostalgia of certain classic restaurants in our city. Take a trip back in time with these restaurants that helped shape the food scene in Kokomo’s history.

This Weekend In Kokomo | October 2-4 | The Local Buzz
Hey Kokomo! It’s officially October and we’re bringing you What The Buzz is happening Locally in Kokomo this weekend. There are some great events you don’t want to miss!

The Kokomo Post Picks of the Week - October 2nd
Hey Kokomo! Welcome to our Kokomo Post Picks of the week where our staffers and interns pick the things they’re enjoying from all around our favorite city! In no particular order:

Post Pop Quiz - Which Famous Kokomo Landmark Are You?
We’re not just any city. We’re a cool city. Which unusual Kokomo landmark are you? Take our quiz and find out.