Spring Cleaning Drop-Off Locations that Benefit Local Non-Profits
Heidi Pruitt Heidi Pruitt

Spring Cleaning Drop-Off Locations that Benefit Local Non-Profits

Out with the old, and in with the new! If you’re thinking it might be time to start a spring closet, garage, or house clean-out, you’re not alone. While Goodwill is an awesome place to drop off gently used items for a good cause, we wanted to create a list of local non-profits and consignment shops that will benefit our local community! Check out a few options below.

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Kokomo’s Art Alleyways
Blog Pam Downing Blog Pam Downing

Kokomo’s Art Alleyways

Hey Kokomo! “Your voice can change the world.” A powerful quote from former President Barack Obama, along with numerous inspiring works of art from the artist, Muck Rock. The art can be seen heading west on Sycamore, in between Wings Etc. and Kokomo Toys & Collectibles. Influential people include Bruce Lee, Mr. Rogers, Freddie Mercury, Rosa Parks, and others who are featured in the downtown public art display.

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Kokomo Garage Sale Flip
Blog Pam Downing Blog Pam Downing

Kokomo Garage Sale Flip

There’s an old saying “one man’s junk is another man’s treasure”. In other words, there is no judging for taste-what one person may think is worthless may be cherished by another. The stay home ordinance has prompted many of us to jump on the whole Spring Cleaning/ Minimizing bandwagon, so what better time to find your treasure then right now when there are so many of us getting rid of our junk?

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