Kokomo High School Graduation - Pandemic Version

Hey Kokomo! The pandemic has caused many of us to switch up our plans, but one of the biggest changes in our community has been how local high schools are handling graduation services. I have two kids myself. One of my kids just finished their Kindergarten year, and the other one will start their last year of preschool in the Fall. (Well, maybe.) However, we have had an exchange student in our family for over two years and I just got back from experiencing her “graduation ceremony”. It was weird. It was different. It was awkward at times. However, I will say that Kokomo High School did a fantastic job at playing the cards they were dealt. Here’s how it worked.

Step 1:

A few weeks back, we were contacted by the school about when we would like to come to the school and get our exchange student, Rosie’s, diploma and have her walk across the stage. We were told they were planning on having 18 students every hour come to the school and shuffle them through the process.

Step 2:

We showed up the school 10 minutes before our allotted time, and were asked to wait in line outside the school. They had stickers on the sidewalk that kept each graduate and family members 6 feet a part at all times. Luckily it was a really nice day outside so it made it nice to wait outside. My kids, classic 6 and 4 year olds, complained about how hot they were until one of the high school employees brought them cold bottles of water. (This is proof that my wife and I aren’t the only reasons they are spoiled.)

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Step 3:

After we waited outside for roughly 25 minutes, it was our turn to go into the building. We were greeted by extremely nice and excited staff members. They explained how the rest of the process will work. When it was our turn to see Rosie cross the stage and get her diploma, we were escorted into the auditorium and here’s how it looked:

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Step 4:

After Rosie walked across the stage, we were allowed to get closer to the stage and get our own pictures. Can I please say how great and happy she looks? These kids have been thrown so many punches and they’ve just taken all of them and been rockstars.

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Step 5:

After we got our pictures with Rosie on the stage, we went into the hallway. Waiting for us there was a hired photographer that you could chosen to have more professional pictures taken…we did. In this hallway is where Rosie also received her diploma as well as her traditional Class Of 2020 glass Coke Bottle. Shoutout to Kokomo Coca-Cola Bottling Company. And that was it. Easy-peasy.

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Step 6:

Does someone really graduate if they don’t do a boomerang of them throwing their hat? The answer is no.


CONGRATULATIONS to Rosie and the rest of the CLASS OF 2020!

So how was you graduation experience, Kokomo? Let us know in the comments below.


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