Heidi’s Hidden Gems - Al Berryman Memorial Park Splash Pad


Welcome to a blog series by yours truly where I help you discover businesses, experiences, food and restaurants you need to know about! Join me in this series where I’ll give you all of the details to experience these hidden gems in Kokomo!

The Al Berryman Splash Pad is just outside of downtown Kokomo on the corners of Elm and Main Streets. The park is bordered on the west side by the Industrial Heritage Trail and was opened in 2018.

George “Al” Berryman was a Kokomo Police officer killed while responding to a domestic disturbance on November 27, 1953, and this park was created in memory of his sacrifice.

105 W. Elm St.

It features shaded benches, a year-round restroom facility and all the free fun your kids can handle!

Next time you’re in the mood to cool off somewhere, don’t miss out on visiting the Splash Pad.

Is there a hidden gem I need to go check out? Tell me in the comments!


Stepping UP™ for Kokomo - June 2023


Eat, Play, Learn: June 27