A Sweet but Sour Collaboration

It’s that time again when our trusted food critics, the Little Foodies, take on the latest and greatest in the world of snacks and beyond and give their unfiltered opinions. In the most recent episode, the trio tried out the newest creation from Oreo: Sour Patch Oreos.

Yes, you read that right – Oreo teamed up with the iconic Sour Patch candies to bring us a sweet and sour twist on the classic cookie. This latest experiment combines the tangy, fruity flavors of Sour Patch with the beloved crunch of Oreo cookies.

Sour Patch Oreos feature Sour Patch candies flavored cookies and a cream filling dotted with colorful sour candy bits.

As the Little Foodies embarked on their taste test, we expected rave reviews and maybe even a new favorite snack for their lunchboxes. However, the outcome was quite the opposite. To our surprise, our little critics were less than impressed.

One of the Little Foodies went so far as to call the collaboration an “abomination”. Ouch! Strong words for a cookie that dared to innovate.

While the Sour Patch Oreos may not have won over our Little Foodies, the taste is subjective and adventurous snackers may still find something to enjoy in this unconventional treat.

So, whether you’re a die-hard fan of both Oreos and Sour Patch candies or simply curious about the latest flavor mashup, it’s always worth giving it a try yourself.

Curious to see the Little Foodies’ reactions firsthand? You can catch the full episode by clicking here.


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