Winter Family Workouts: Move with The Elements

We’re excited to help get our Kokomo families moving this winter! We’ve partnered with Jenee Harlow, a trainer with Health by Harlow, to lead us through some easy, at-home exercises people of all ages and abilities can do that are inspired by one of your favorite new movies. For this winter workout, let’s move with the elements!

When you meet the Fire Girl in the movie you quickly learn a lot about her. She is strong like her dad, but has a little bit of a temper. Most of all, she’s driven as she anticipates continuing her family’s legacy. The number one rule though is that fire and water CANNOT be together!

Do the Fire Phase:
Do each of these moves 10 times or for 20-30 seconds.

Show your Fire Strength with the Logs into Coal Push: using your upper body and pushing your fist into the palm of your opposite hand.

Explode like Fire with Star Jacks: Crouch down like a fire ember and explode up and spread your arms and legs out like a star.

Dodge the Water with Quick Feet: do some quick side-to-side/front-to-back jumps

Next, Water Guy comes pouring in to ruin the big day for Fire Girl! He’s kind and has a lot of sympathy for Fire Girl’s problems, but he still has to submit those citations and she won’t give up easily.

Do the Water Phase:
Do each of these moves 10 times or for 20-30 seconds.

Flow like water by doing a Full Body Wiggle: Be silly and wiggle your head, arms, torso, and legs — even your tongue can wiggle!

Rush like water by doing a Flowing Run in Place: Exaggerate your run in place with some more wiggles.

Bounce like water with a Crouch and Jump: Start low and jump up and let your arms flow with the upward motion.

We learn that earth can create life and vegetation with the help of other elements. Even a small clod of soil can sprout grass or a small flower in time, but Earth’s growth does require a little pruning sometimes.

Do the Earth Phase:
Do each of these moves 10 times or for 20-30 seconds.

Grow all by doing a Tree Pose: Balance on one foot, while placing your other foot to the side of your planted leg’s knee. Place your palms together in the center of your torso and hold the pose.

Be solid by doing the Rock Hold: Sit down and your knees into your chest. Hug your arms around your knees and hold the pose.

Become one with earth in the Dead Bug Hold: Lay on your back and lift your up to 90 degrees from the floor and reach your arms up like a lopsided beetle.

Who knew air could be so much fun? Especially when we see it in action, moving swiftly and soaring across the court. Let’s go Windbreakers!

Do the Air Phase:
Do each of these moves 10 times or for 20-30 seconds.

Get some air with the Spin, Step, and Shoot: just like in the big leagues, do a complete turn of your body on one foot, then step out and make a jump shot extending your arms up as you jump.

Cheer with a Crouch and Wave: bend your body and reach back up like your doing a wave.

Soar through the air with the Takeoff and Soar: lift your knee up and extend your arms out. Then bend forward at the waist while keeping balance.

What was your favorite part of this fun workout? We hope it gets your whole family moving in a healthy way during the winter months. Share your ideas on what theme might help get you moving next!


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