Mental Health Fair Brings Community Resources Together


In a world where the discussion of mental health can be stigmatized, the Suicide Prevention Coalition of Howard County, a local nonprofit, is stepping up to bring the discussion to light. 

From 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Saturday, March 9 at the UAW Local 685 hall at 929 E. Hoffer St., Kokomo, the community is invited to gather to see what mental health resources our community has to offer during Mental Health Awareness Month. 

TKP Photo | Heidi Pruitt

“There’s such a stigma about mental health and talking about suicide and I think that’s half the battle. If we can lower that stigma and just talk to people, it will make things so much better. People won’t think they are alone in this. If we can just save one life it’s worth it,” said Christie Tate, vice president of the Coalition.

After her own struggles with suicidal ideations, Tate noticed that the resources for people struggling with mental health were available in Kokomo, but not easy to find, thus the coalition was formed.

“We are just basically a housing place for all the resources here in the county. But throughout the last few years we’ve grown into more than that, we do an annual walk for suicide prevention and now we’re doing the mental health fair,” said Tate. 

There are currently many vendors signed up for this event, including First City Recovery, The ASPIN Health Navigator Program,Community Howard Behavioral Health, SCAN Inc., 4C Health, Mental Health America, The Howard County Health Department and more. 

“We’ve realized as our group has grown, that there are things out there that people don’t know about. They don’t know that they can get therapy that’s based on income, we’re just trying to bring together those resources that can help mental health in general. If they come away with a card for a therapist or a new spiritual community to be part of, that's just going to make their lives better and hopefully help their mental health,” said Tate. 

The UAW Hall is located beside a City of Kokomo Trolley stop, making it accessible to the whole community, she said.

If you or someone you know needs assistance with mental health struggles, visit the Suicide Prevention Coalition of Howard County on Facebook by clicking here.


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