The Kokomo Post Reflects: 2020

Hey Kokomo! Has there ever been a more highly anticipated New Year’s Eve? We think not.

Good-bye, 2020! Don’t let the door hit you on the way out. Or do. Actually, we hope it leaves a mark.


Hello 2021! Gosh, you look beautiful.

COVID-19, social distancing, remote working, and mask-wearing, and will all still exist at 12:01 am on January 1st. And while it’s true that nothing particularly magical will happen at midnight tonight, we’ll still clink our champagne flutes together and toast to the new year. Because we’re hopeful, we’re optimistic, and we’re ready.

Here at The Kokomo Post, we’re on a mission to Make Positivity Louder, and we are grateful that you’ve joined us in 2020. Trust us when we say… keep hanging around 2021, you won’t want to miss it. We have a staff that’s growing, dreams that are exciting, and goals set that will move the chains on this quest to showcase the good things happening right here in our community.

All of us want The Post to become a place where you can escape and watch, listen, and enjoy something positive. Something that can make you smile and feel the good of humanity, not something that makes you exhausted by just reading the headline. We believe the world needs more of the former, rather than the latter. Do you?

Thank you, Kokomo, the city we love. Thank you for letting us into your lives and joining us as we Make Positivity Louder. Stick around, won’t you?

Happy New Year Kokomo!


How To Be More Positive in 2021


The Kokomo Post Picks of the Week - December 25th