How To Be More Positive in 2021


Hey, Kokomo! 2021 is in full swing and we’re sure that it’s going to be an unforgettable year at The Kokomo Post! We have a whole new year of opportunities to be the happiest and best you possible! To help start off the year on the right foot, I’ve come up with a list of ways to help you be more positive in 2021! 

Give Yourself Something To Look Forward To

It’s hard to plan ahead with the current reality of COVID-19, but I’m a firm believer that having something to look forward to gives us a healthy dose of anticipation. Living in the present is important. But right now, the present seems a bit confusing and annoying if I’m being honest. Whether you’re looking ahead to a vacation with friends or family, a concert that *hopefully* isn’t going to be canceled, or treating yourself to something off of your Amazon wishlist, I encourage you to add something to your calendar that will help keep your mind off of this mess that we’re all currently experiencing. 

Practice Positive Affirmations

Positive affirmations are positive phrases that you repeat to yourself to help rid yourself of challenging or negative thoughts. While telling yourself how awesome you are in the mirror every morning may seem weird at first, there’s a ton of scientific evidence to back this theory up. Here are some examples: “I am confident and capable at what I do.” “Today is going to be a great day.” The more you repeat these phrases, the more you are going to believe them. And I think this has the potential to change not only 2021, but your life. 

Take Chances

It’s so easy to play it safe when you know failure isn’t an option. But in 2021, I’m challenging you to take chances. Taking a risk to achieve a goal requires the bravery to face uncertainty. No matter the outcome, taking chances builds courage and hey, you might win the lottery as long as you keep buying tickets! 

Find Opportunity In Difficulty 

When I look back on 2020, it wasn’t my ideal year or anyone’s ideal year for that matter. But looking back at what I learned, it was monumental. There were some difficult moments last year, but I don’t think the lessons I learned would have been so meaningful if there wasn’t a global pandemic. Take a moment to find opportunity in the difficult moments, you might be surprised by what you learned. 

Live in the Moment 

Harder said than done, I know. But last year proved that literally, anything can happen in an instant. Worrying about what happens next takes away from the present life. One of my favorite quotes by John Lennon represents this perfectly, “Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans.” Enjoy the now! 

I hope that at least one of these points help you make 2021 a more positive year and that you’re able to reflect on what you learned in 2020. What helps you stay positive, Kokomo? Let us know in the comments below.


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The Kokomo Post Reflects: 2020