Kokomo Farmers Market Store


Hey Kokomo! Have you always wanted to check out the Kokomo Farmers Market on Saturday’s but can’t make it? Never fear, the Market Store is here! Located across from the courthouse downtown, here are four reasons you should check it out! 

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Fresh Produce

In the summer, you can’t beat fresh produce. Especially when it’s locally grown! From salad mix, to tomatoes, onions, asparagus and so much more. Their produce tastes amazing and you know it's grown with love.

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Hand crafted items 

All of the yummy food and locally made crafts you love from the farmers market are available during the week! So if you’re running low on honey and can’t wait for the weekend, The Market store has your back! 

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Beautiful bouquets of wildflowers

Need some beautiful flowers in your life? Let me tell you, these flowers are gorgeous and smell amazing. And you can bring home a bouquet for only $12! 


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Did someone say lunch?! The Market store has a rotating monthly menu that is SO delicious. Today I picked up the Cilantro Lime Bowl (pictured below) and it was so light and filling. And don’t forget the amazing local ingredients that are used! 

Next time you’re craving the vibe of the farmers market, head to downtown and say hi to the awesome people at The Market Store!


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