Just Bree Things- Cosmetic Teeth Whitening

Hey, it’s Bree, we’re taking a look back at the second season of "Just Bree Things. This season was all about exploring the trendiest beauty and wellness services, and one of the highly requested treatments was cosmetic teeth whitening. In this episode, we took the community’s recommendations and I headed over to Smiles and Hairstyles to meet up with Chiara Minor for this dazzling journey.

Chiara’s studio was welcoming, and I was greeted by her Chiara and her bubbly personality. Before diving into the treatment, we started with an evaluation of my teeth and discussed my desired results and sensitivity levels. What stood out was that Chiara’s approach differed from traditional dentist whitening, as she used hydrogen peroxide instead of chemicals like bleach. She promised instant results, which had me intrigued and ready to experience it firsthand.

Given my extreme tooth sensitivity, Chiara began with a 15-minute sensitive treatment, and then we moved into the three-step process that she repeated three times. The process involved applying a paste, using a light on my teeth for 20 minutes, and rinsing. Chiara educated me throughout, explaining that I could achieve up to four levels of brightness in one session. She mentioned that the effects should last up to six months, with the option to return after three months for an even brighter smile.

After the treatment, Chiara advised me to follow a white diet for 48 hours to prevent staining, which meant avoiding foods like pasta sauce and sodas and opting for clear liquids and lean proteins like chicken breast. The results were stunning, even though I walked into the appointment thinking my teeth were already quite white. It’s been almost nine months since that appointment, and I can attest that the results lasted around six months, with Chiara’s provided package and rinse helping to maintain the results.

Would I recommend cosmetic teeth whitening? Absolutely, without a doubt! The boost in confidence and the long-lasting results with minimal sensitivity were fantastic. This service is ideal for special occasions like weddings, proms or any time you desire a brighter smile. Stay tuned for the upcoming seasons!


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