Heidi’s Hidden Gems: Sunshine+Water Plant Bar


Welcome to a blog series by yours truly where I help you discover businesses, experiences, food and restaurants you need to know about! Join me in this series where I’ll give you all of the details to experience these hidden gems in Kokomo!

On this week’s episode of Heidi’s Hidden Gems, there’s an extra special, locally-owned houseplant shop right here in Kokomo that I want you to check out with me!

If you don’t think you have a green thumb, don’t discount the idea of being a plant parent! Sunshine+Water Plant Bar has a website full of pet-friendly, easy-to-care-for, plants to start (or add to) your collection.

Owner Laura Nixon also creates helpful video content so you’re confident about getting started. She also openly admits that having house plants is a “science experiment.” As you become more aware of your plant’s needs, you will learn what works and what doesn’t.

Her selection of plants varies for beginner plant owners as well as plants that have more needs for experienced horticulturists.

You can shop her online store by clicking here or by visiting her social media pages where she posts pop-up shops happening in and around Kokomo.

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