Heidi’s Hidden Gems - Spirit of Life Books and Gathering Place
TKP Photos | Heidi Pruitt
Imagine stepping into a world of literature, unlike anything you’ve seen in Kokomo before: one where you can delight in the fact of just being able to exist, no purchase necessary.
The cozy atmosphere greets you upon your first steps into the space, where you’ll find shelves upon shelves of books ranging in topics from children’s literature and art to cooking and soul work.
The Spirit of Life Books and Gathering Place at The SOL House is just that and so much more, and you’re invited to join in on the journey to self-discovery.
At 510 W. Superior St., in Kokomo, across from Foster Park, you’ll find the true meaning of connection. Whether it be with yourself or a friend, the books available in this space are donated from locals in the community and don’t have price tags.
If you see a book that catches your eye, you can get comfortable and read it there or make a donation that works with your budget to take it home to keep.
This unique concept allows for books to be more accessible to the community and for groups like book clubs and other small groups to use the space for a small financial contribution to the mission of the SOL House.
The Spirit of Life Books and Gathering Place is a volunteer-run facility and operates from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday and from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday.
So grab your favorite snack and drink, invite a friend and get cozy with a new book for little to no cost right here in Kokomo.