Kokomo Post Kids Eat, Play, Learn: Oct. 3
Hey Kokomo! It’s that time of the week again. Our staff with kids are happy to share a few of the places their kids like to eat, play, and learn in and around Howard County. Check out this week’s picks for yourself!
TKP Photo | Alli Lee
Kokomo Kids Eat:
Chocolate-Covered Crispy Treats from J. Edwards Gourmet
2106 W. Sycamore St., Kokomo, IN 46901
(765) 626-0142
We visited J. Edwards last week to buy a carmel apple (my favorite), thinking I would share it with my kids as a treat, but then I noticed a beautiful display of Halloween chocolate-covered crispy treats, and our plans changed quickly. The boys each picked a candy corn crispy treat, but there were many to choose from in a range of sizes. I heard these reviews from the backseat, “This is crunchy yummy!” and “Mom, I ate his eyes! Now he cannot see!” They were happy with their treat choice and were having fun too. These make a great gift if you are only expecting a few special trick-or-treaters at your house, or just if you and your kids are craving a fun snack with a little crunch.
TKP Photo | Alli Lee
Kokomo Kids Play:
The Corn Pit at Kendall Family Farms
9717 E. 600 North, Greentown, IN 46936
(765) 753-2676
Get in the fall “feels” with your family and head out to play at Kendall Family Farms in Greentown. They are officially open for the season with loads of fun in store. We usually go to pick pumpkins, but in recent years, my boys haven’t wanted to leave the play area. Their favorite in the play area by far is the corn pit — it’s literally a sandbox filled with corn kernels instead of sand. They love the sensory experience it provides, and there are usually toy trucks involved too. In addition to the corn pits, there is a petting zoo, train ride, miniature golf and a straw maze for the little ones. There are many fun events happening at Kendall Family Farms this season, you can check out their website for more details.
TKP Photo | Alli Lee
Kokomo Kids Learn:
Join 4-H with Howard County Purdue Extension
120 E. Mulberry St. # 105, Kokomo, IN 46901
(765) 456-2313
When you think about 4-H, you probably think of the clover symbol and summer at the Howard County 4-H fair. While that is one of the highlights of 4-H, its just a portion of the experience youth get from being involved in 4-H as a whole. This week celebrates the beginning of enrollment for 4-H in 2024. Youth in grade K-12 can sign up to be a part of the positive youth development organization where they are able to be part of a club, work independently or with a mentor on projects to be displayed at the fair, and learn many life skills along the way. 4-H is more than just livestock and the county fair. Most 4-Hers are very involved in their community, and some compete in activities like robotics or even perform on stage. You can get signed up online today or contact the Purdue Extension Howard County Extension Office with questions.
What would your kids’ picks be? Leave us a comment below or on our social media pages so we can check them out!