5 Things We Learned at the County’s COVID Press Conference Today

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Howard County Commissioner Paul Wyman and Community Howard Regional Health’s Dr. Lance Washington spoke at a press conference and livestream Monday afternoon regarding COVID-19 in Howard County. If you missed it, you can catch it in its entirety (minus a tech hiccup in the beginning) here.

Here are five things we learned:

1. More people are getting sick in our community today than were a month ago.

Wyman had a long list of statistics, regarding our current numbers. Here’s a quick breakdown:

New Cases:

  • Our current 10-day average is 40 cases per day

  • Our current seven-day average is 45 new cases per day.

  • One month ago, our 10-day average was 7 new cases per day.


  • Currently, there are about 15-20 hospitalizations per day. 

  • One month ago, there were three people in the hospital with COVID-19. 


  • A month ago, the county was testing 36 people per day. 

  • On Monday, the county’s Bell Street site tested 220 people. 

School-ages cases:

  • In July, the county registered one school-age positive case per day. 

  • On Monday, the county was averaging 10 school-age cases per day. 


  • Since the beginning of the pandemic, there have been 242 deaths due to COVID.

  • In the last month, 12 people have passed away - a stat reflecting about one death every other day. 

2. The Commissioners are encouraging everyone to get the vaccine. 

Wyman and Washington unveiled a resolution from the Howard County Commissioners, in partnership with Kokomo’s Mayor Tyler Moore, urging residents to receive the vaccine. 

“Each and every day, as a community, we have an obligation to think about others. We’ve done it many, many times in our past. Tornadoes, and floods. Snowstorms. We have been there for each other,” said Wyman.

He said the fight against the pandemic is not a political one as both presidents have received the vaccination and worked to keep Americans safe -- but the county’s goal is to have 80 percent of the community vaccinated. Currently, about 43 percent of those eligible have been vaccinated. 

“The symptoms are less, the chances of hospitalization are less, and the chances of dying are less,” said Wyman. 

3. Dr. Lance Washington isn’t mincing words. 

“I’m here to encourage all of you, if you’re on the fence, get the vaccine,” said Washington, at the start of the press conference.

Washington said his hospitalized patients are commonly under 50, unvaccinated, with no preexisting conditions. 

“We are not here to beat you up about taking darn the vaccine,” said Washington, at the close of the press conference. “Just understand we have a way out of this, but if you are not going to do it, at least be wary of the symptoms. Please.”

4. Everyone is wondering about schools. 

Ultimately, Wyman said, the county commissioners can’t see into the future and won’t rule out anything -- but the solution they are asking for right now is for the community to get the vaccine to get us to herd immunity. 

“The reality is, we are going to be focused like a laser, like we have been since January, on this vaccine,” said Wyman. “That is the best outcome. That is the best solution that is before us.”

5. The comment section from the Livestream was exactly the trainwreck you thought it would be. 

Just yikes. 

After today's press conference, what are your thoughts on the vaccine and rising case numbers in Howard County? Let us know in the comments below. 

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