2023 Howard County Stand Down Event for Active Military & Veterans

Veterans Day, a day dedicated to honoring those who have served in the armed forces, is quickly approaching, and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs is preparing for their annual Howard County Stand Down event.

On Nov. 9, active military personnel and veterans are invited to gather at the UAW 685 Hall located at 929 E. Hoffer St. in Kokomo for the annual Stand Down event.

Registration will start at 10:30 a.m., and the event itself will run from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Stand Down offers a range of critical services to military and veterans, including VA and state benefits, food and clothing referrals, mental health screenings, job and financial assistance, education and housing support.

Stand Down events have a historical significance dating back to the battlefield. It was time away from combat where soldiers could find rest, personal hygiene, nourishing meals, medical care, and camaraderie with fellow service members, according to the national Stand Down website.

Today, Stand Downs have evolved into community-based initiatives to assist homeless and indigent veterans in finding housing and vital resources. They have grown into expansive resource fairs that cater to all veterans and military members, whether homeless or not.

The Howard County Stand Down event is hosted in this region due to the significant number of veterans and veteran families who seek assistance and shelter.

There are veterans with emotional and substance abuse disorders who may be unaware of where to seek help, as well as transient veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder who remain untreated.

This event aims to raise awareness about the needs of veterans within the community and to show them and their families that they have unwavering support.

Eli Ireland, a disabled veteran outreach program specialist for the Indiana Department of Workforce Development, said the event is incredibly important to local veterans like himself.

“This event is important to me because of what I've experienced and seen,” he said. “Each year we have a handful of veterans that are homeless and we are able to get into housing.”

He expressed his gratitude for the Howard County community’s active role in establishing and growing the Stand Down event.

“This is my third year, and I have to say, the Howard county community really established the Stand Down,” Ireland said. “I started during COVID, when it was scaled down and over the last couple of years, I’ve seen it grow.”

Ireland emphasized that the event goes beyond identifying homeless veterans, as it has led to successful housing placements for many in need.

"I'm thankful for the number of resources and community involvement,” he said. “There are so many positives for veterans in this community."

The Howard County Stand Down event anticipates a substantial turnout this year, with approximately 50 vendors offering a wide array of services, including lunch, free haircuts, and more.

For those interested in learning more about the event or attending, additional information can be found at https://www.facebook.com/HowardCoStandDown/.


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