What we’ve missed in Kokomo during Quarantine

Hey Kokomo! We asked Kokomo what are some of the things you've missed most during quarantine? Since most of us have been thrown out of our normal routines there has been a lot of change. One silver lining about a global pandemic perhaps is its ability to help us focus on the things we appreciate the most about normal life. Here are the top six things that you missed, Kokomo: 


Spring sports like track, baseball, and softball have been greatly missed by players, coaches, and parents. Enjoying the fresh air, the time outside, and the exercise has been missed by our community. We will see what summer and fall hold, but we will all be ready to be back out on the field!


“I miss my regular pedicure, it’s really my only me time I get,” said one of our Facebook friends. Another person we spoke to talked about how they simply missed their regular hair appointments. Regular self-care is important to our routines. How have your pampering routines changed in quarantine? We know our local spas are ready to welcome back Kokomo!


Spending (in person) time with friends is something we’re realizing that maybe we had taken for granted during our pre-quarantine lives. Connecting on FaceTime and Zoom is great, but it cannot replace the simple joy for face to face interaction; laughing together and making memories. Our community misses meeting friends to see a movie at the theatre (with movie popcorn and a coke!), time with friends at local restaurants, attending church together, and the chance to meet up with friends and enjoy an adult beverage at a favorite local hang out. 

‘Me’ Time

Oh the irony. We miss our friends and yet for some of us, we’re never alone. Parents we’re talking to you. Chances are, your kids would love a break from you as much as you’d love a break from them! It has been hard to find ways to take ‘breaks’ from our family members, especially for those of us in apartments or small homes. Thanks goodness for warm weather and our state slowly reopening. We may not get our ‘break’ yet but a little time outside and physical distance apart will do everyone some good.

Ease of living

I miss not being able to go to the store without it feeling stressful or having performing mental gymnastics as I think through all the logistics of my trip out into the public I miss life before masks and social distancing rules and having to check to know if the store I am trying to visit will be open or not


Enough said. We all miss our families. Especially the ones who live far away. One of our Facebook friends hadn’t seen his family since January.

We are all ready for a safe return to normal, whenever that may be! What do you think Kokomo? Does our list include everything you missed? Let us know in the comments below!


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