The Kokomo Post Sports - Game of the Week: Taylor Titans vs. Eastern Comets (Photo Gallery)
Friday night’s Kokomo Post Sports Game of the Week, partnered with Robert Miller & Son Furniture, took us to Taylor High School to see their undefeated Titans take on the local Eastern Comets. During that first quarter the Titans had 13 nearly double that of the Comets 7 points, but Eastern wasn’t trailing to far behind. Throughout the game the Titans took full advantage of fast breaks and easy points to push their lead. Eastern struggled to get shots to fall and the Titans were ready for any opportunity. This was shown through the Titan’s, Javionne Harris, who threw down some dunks to snowball the momentum. At around halfway into the third quarter the Titans were up 40-16 showing their dominance on the court. Eastern started to find some rhythm and had more shots landing, but the Titans remain undefeated with a winning score of 64-37.