Explore Kokomo's Secret Menus: Nascar Refuel Burger Review

Another episode of Little Foodies just aired on The Kokomo Post Kids! This week, our trio was a duo and Ellie and Brennen took on an adventure to unravel the mystery of “ghost kitchens” in Kokomo.

But first, let's address the elephant in the room: what exactly is a “ghost kitchen?” Ghost Kitchens are a fascinating concept where established restaurants offer unique menu items, often in collaboration with famous personalities or popular brands. These offerings are typically exclusive to delivery platforms like DoorDash, hidden away from the regular menu. Intrigued? So were we!

On the menu in this episode? The Nascar Refuel burger, a black angus beef piled high with classic toppings like tomato and onion. As Ellie and Brennen bit into the burger, their reactions were... underwhelming, to say the least. While the burger tasted perfectly fine, it seemed to lack anything special and minimal commentary.

In fact, Ellie was able to sum up the experience with only a couple of words: “it’s burger-y.” It seemed that the Nascar Refuel burger fell into the realm of the mundane, and likely won’t leave a lasting impression on our Little Foodies. But you can see the burger for yourself and decide by clicking here.

So, are you now intrigued and ready to go on your own quest to uncover Kokomo’s hidden gems lurking within ghost kitchens? If so, we’d love to hear about your adventures! Share your discoveries with us and let us know which secret menu items you uncover.


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The Kokomo Post Picks of the Week - May 3