12 Ways to Make Positivity Louder in Kokomo Right Now

Hey Kokomo! If you’ve been hanging around for any amount of time you know our mission is to make positivity louder. As we enter into the holiday season, we are thinking about ways we can make our mission a reality in our community. Here is our comprehensive list of ways to make positivity louder right here in the City of Firsts

Pay it backward

In line at Cone Palace? Mac’s? Coffee Junkiez? If you can afford it, pay for the stranger behind you in line. You won’t see it, but it’s guaranteed to make them smile and who knows? You may be the start of a chain of drive-thru Kokomo positivity.

Pass along a compliment to a service worker’s boss

Take an extra five minutes to tell their manager what a great experience you had with their employee. Whether it was outstanding service at a restaurant or that little bit of extra help you needed at a retail store. Speaking up with a compliment, not a complaint, is powerful.

Write a great online review for a Kokomo restaurant you love

2020 has taken a toll on many of our local businesses. Especially restaurants. Taking a few minutes to leave a good review on your favorite local restaurant will mean the world to them. And you never know, your positive review may influence a friend or a stranger to give your favorite Kokomo spot a try.

Show a Kokomo neighbor how much you appreciate them


This is one of the best times of the year in Kokomo to help a neighbor. Surprise them with an act of kindness. Rake their leaves, sweep their sidewalk, or leave an anonymous encouraging note on their doorstep. They may never know it was you. But they’ll know there are good people doing good things right here in Kokomo.

Send in hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes, and tissues to your child’s school

If you’re a parent, you know how great it’s been to have our kids back in school this semester ammirite? We can all agree that teachers, administrators, and faculty are rockstars. If you haven’t thanked them already, send an email or handwritten note expressing your gratitude. If you want a practical way to express your appreciation, send in some much-needed supplies to keep our schools safe, healthy, and clean.

Leave a positive comment on social media

The internet can be a dumpster fire. There, we said it. But the internet can also be a place where kindness flourishes. Choose to make positivity louder by leaving a kind comment on a post. Don’t engage with social media Karens. No one’s opinion has been swayed by an internet troll. But many people have smiled because they scrolled past a tiny piece of positivity. 

Slow down so someone can merge in front of you in traffic

We get it. You’re busy. You’re in a hurry. But the next time you’re zipping down Dixon or cruising on 931, just let that person merge or switch lanes in front of you. Who knows what’s going on in their life, and a simple act of traffic kindness can go a long way.

Give compliments

Compliments take no time out of your day, they’re free, and your words might change the course of someone’s day. Don’t just think it. Say it. See someone laughing with their kids at Highland Park? Compliment their children’s good behavior and their fun parenting. See your barista’s funky manicure? Compliment their cool style. Be kind. Not creepy. Give out genuine compliments.

Let someone else take that sweet parking spot

The weather is getting colder and some people have already started their Holiday shopping. While you’re circling the parking lot at the Markland Mall or Boulevard Crossing, choose to make positivity louder by parking a little further away, getting in some extra steps, and letting the other driver take that good spot.

Send flowers

Maybe you’re sending them to your favorite nurse at St. Vincent Kokomo. Maybe you’re sending them to a loved one in assisted living at Primrose. Maybe you’re sending them to your partner at their workplace. Everyone appreciates a fresh bouquet, and with so many great options for florists in Kokomo, this is a guaranteed way to may positivity louder. 

Donate old blankets, pillows, and towels to the Kokomo Humane Society

Our furry friends at the KHS are always in need of supplies. Check out their website here for more information and a full list of items you can donate. We’re filing this idea under ‘making PAWSitivity louder.’


Send a positive text message to five different people right now

This is the easiest way to make Positivity louder. Pull up your texts, choose five friends who live in Kokomo, and shoot them an encouraging message. Don’t overthink this. You don’t need to be the next J.K. Rowling. Your message can be as simple as: “I am thankful that we are friends. I appreciate you!” There you go, you’re done!

How are you making positivity louder, Kokomo? Share your ideas in the comments below!


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