Kokomo Garage Sale Flip - New Desk

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Hey Kokomo! There’s an old saying “one man’s junk is another man’s treasure”.  In other words, there is no judging for taste-what one person may think is worthless may be cherished by another.  The stay home ordinance has prompted many of us to jump on the whole Spring Cleaning/ Minimizing bandwagon, so what better time to find your treasure then right now when there are so many of us getting rid of our junk? 

Now I know what you're probably thinking..how can I go through other people’s junk when I am supposed to be socially distancing? Well, let me tell you about a little goldmine of an item that I discovered on the Kokomo Garage Sale Facebook page and was able to purchase while following all of our city’s current guidelines.

I have been on the hunt for a new desk since this working from home has taken full effect, however, I did not want to spend an arm and leg. I decided to check out the Kokomo Garage Sale Facebook page and after just a few minutes I had found it! This desk was by no means perfect but it had charm and I was confident that with a little love and elbow grease, I could flip it into something amazing.

I contacted the seller and paid for the desk through PayPal So that we did not have to exchange any money. We set up a pickup time and the desk was ready and waiting for me when I pulled up. Once the desk was home, I channeled my inner Joanna Gaines and got to work! I took apart some old pallets that I had and stained the boards 3 different colors; black, gray, and white. Once they were dry, I cut the pallet boards into a variety of sizes and secured them to the plywood top.

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I am so happy with the outcome of this desk and I know my wallet is too! While some may argue that rummaging through other people’s junk is a waste of time, I argue that it is one of the most therapeutic and cost-effective things you can do. Hunt around before making a big purchase. Take advantage of this downtime and the opportunity to be creative. Hunting for a great deal is a fun adventure and there is treasure just waiting to be discovered!

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Kokomo on The Go


Kokomo Quarantine Dates