Heidi’s Hidden Gems: Pho Nguyen


Welcome to a blog series by yours truly where I help you discover businesses, experiences, food and restaurants you need to know about! Join me in this series where I’ll give you all of the details to experience these hidden gems in Kokomo!

On this week’s episode of Heidi’s Hidden Gems, we stopped by one of our office’s favorite lunch spots. It’s somewhere that's affordable, fresh and so delicious! Some of my favorite menu items are listed below!

Pictured above (left to right) is the Chicken Noodle Soup, Mongolian Beef Stir Fry, and Grilled Pork Vermicelli with Thai Iced Tea with Tapioca Pearls.

There are such a variety of items on this menu so you’re sure to find something you love at Pho! Stop by this Hidden Gem and enjoy trying something new!

Pho Nguyen is located at 1245 S. Seventeenth St., Kokomo, IN


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