Heidi’s Hidden Gems: El Borrego Carnicería y Taqueria


Welcome to Heidi’s Hidden Gems, a blog series where I help you discover businesses, experiences, food and restaurants you need to know about but may have missed. Join me as I give you all the details you need to experience these hidden gems in Kokomo!

Another restaurant that I don’t think gets the hype it deserves is El Borrego. Located at 314 S. Union St. in Kokomo, this Mexican restaurant and grocery store combo needs to be added to your list of places to visit.

Walk through the doors of this hidden spot and you have two options: sit down and enjoy a meal or buy the ingredients to take home and make a meal yourself. With a huge variety of spices, sauces, snacks, soda, candy and so much more, there’s so much to try at El Borrego.

As for the food, nothing I’ve eaten there has been short of amazing. If you’re looking for fresh, quality and delicious Mexican food, check out this #Hiddengem!

Have you been to El Borrego? If so, what’s your go-to menu order? Tell me in the comments!


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