Kokomo Post Kids Eat, Play, Learn: July 4
Hey Kokomo! It’s that time of the week again. Our staff with kids are happy to share a few of the places their kids like to eat, play, and learn in and around Howard County. Check out this week’s picks for yourself!
Kokomo Kids Eat
Get an Elephant Ear from the Red Barn at the Howard County 4-H Fair
July 8-13 | 610 E. Payton St., Greentown, IN
The vendors and food stands are being set-up right now for next week’s Howard County 4-H Fair. You’ll have a plethora of food choices, but we would like to recommend a classic that your whole family will love, the elephant ear. Elephant ears are a staple fair food that you can find at almost all fairs or festivals. However, there is one that we can guarantee will be the best elephant ear you’ve ever tasted. Coffman Concessions based out of Wabash, Indiana, also known as “The Red Barn,” is where you’ll find them. Some people refer to the Red Barn elephant ears as the original elephant ears because of their growing legacy and excellent taste. Don’t let the Howard County 4-H Fair slip by without getting your family an elephant ear to share.
Kokomo Kids Play
Corn Hole Set Experience Kit from KHCPL Russiaville
315 Mesa Drive, Russiaville, IN 46979
Set up some easy Summer fun in the backyard with the corn hole experience kit from the Kokomo-Howard County Public Library. Corn Hole is a popular midwestern yard game that is fun for all ages. Our kids love to play “bean bags” and we simply play with no scoring and the boards closer together. The corn hole experience kit comes with two boards, eight bags, and a list of game rules for the professionals. You can check out any experience kit with your library card just like a normal book. You can search in the library’s online catalog for more information on experience kits and their availability.
TKP Photo | Alli Lee
Kokomo Kids Learn
Story Time on the Porch at the 4-H LEAD Center
Howard County 4-H Fairgrounds | 610 E. Payton St. Greentown, IN
July 8-11
When you visit the Howard County 4-H Fair with your family next week be sure to stop by the 4-H LEAD Center for Story Time on the Porch, Monday-Thursday at 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. Picture books will be selected and read by local representatives of Howard County 4-H, Indiana Farm Bureau, and other organizations. All are welcome to Storytime on the Porch as it inspires literacy in new subjects like agriculture and encourages kids to read anywhere they’d like to. You can visit the 4-H LEAD Center anytime during office hours to learn more about the 4-H Program and purchase 4-H merchandise.
What would your kids’ picks be? Leave us a comment below or on our social media pages so we can check them out!