Kokomo Post Kids Eat, Play, Learn: Aug. 29
Hey, Kokomo! We are introducing a new series around here called Eat, Play, Learn. Each week, our team will share a few of the places our kids are wild about. We hope you discover some new places along the way! Check out this week’s picks for yourself!
TKP Photo | Alli Lee
Kokomo Kids Eat:
Ben’s Soft Pretzels at the Markland Mall
1121 S. Reed Road, Kokomo
(765) 457-8100
The aroma of freshly-baked pretzels fills the air as you walk into the main entrance of the mall. How can you refuse the temptation? My kids sure couldn’t on our last visit. They begged me for a pretzel, and the three of us shared two of them for “lunch.” We ate them and played on the magis spun chairs in “The Yard” before doing some shopping as a family. We chose the classic original jumbo pretzel, but sometimes we indulge in a cinnamon sugar pretzel or pretzel bites with a dipping sauce. It’s sweet to see those little hands holding such a large pretzel, but getting a treat makes our trip to the mall more fun as well.
TKP Photo | Alli Lee
Kokomo Kids Play:
Giant Jenga Experience Kit from KHCPL Russiaville
315 Mesa Drive, Russiaville, IN 46979
(765) 883-5112
This experience kit takes the game of Jenga to a new level! We played indoors on a recent rainy day and had a blast. My youngest (2 years old) struggled a little with the concept of the game, but he also really enjoyed stacking the blocks and watching them fall down. I’m actually not sure what they enjoyed most because I think they may have purposefully pulled the wrong block just for them to all fall down. For a while we just let the boys play with a few blocks while mom and dad played the real game (loser does the dishes). The kit is available to check out for two weeks of classic family fun.
Photo Provided | Kokomo Family YMCA
Kokomo Kids Learn:
Youth Sports at the Kokomo Family YMCA
114 N. Union St., Kokomo
(765) 457-4447
For families looking to add some activity to their child’s routine, consider learning to play a new sport at the Kokomo YMCA. Fall youth sports including soccer, basketball, volleyball, and sports medley will be open for registration starting Sept. 5 online. Sports or being part of a team can be a multi-faceted learning experience. Youths work directly with an adult coach and peers they may or may not have previously known. The life skills of teamwork, perseverance, and sportsmanship begin to grow through experiences like these at a young age. My family is specifically interested in the Sports Medley program, and the Little Dribblers program given their preschool ages. However, there are many opportunities for youth as young as 3 and as old as 14.
What would your kids’ picks be? Leave us a comment below or on our social media pages so we can check them out!