Back-to-School Advice from Local Teachers

Back-to-school time is almost here — and we know it can be stressful for kids, parents and teachers alike. We asked the experts — local teachers and educators in the community — for their advice on what parents and kids need to know before the new school year begins. Check out their tips below.

Jared Grinstead: 8th Grade Science, Western Middle School
“Register your kid on time and not the morning of the first day of school. Don’t expect the bus to be on time for a few days. Don’t freak out about the early grades that are entered. Give the kids and teachers a bit of time to get settled in. Send in some Kleenex.”

Peggy Obermeyer: 8th Grade Science, Western Middle School
“Think of the school staff as members of your student’s team. Everyone brings various talents and needs to the team, including the student and the parent/guardian. We all need to support each other to have a successful year. Do your best to provide your student with the necessary school supplies. It sets the ‘being prepared’ tone for the school year. (There are resources available in our community to help if needed.)”

Kelsey Holt: 7th Grade Science, Western Middle School
“Lots of pencils!! That’s the supply that students always run out of first. Kleenex for teachers, we never have enough of those. Send your students back to school with a positive attitude! Make the first day back to school special to start the year on a great note! Did I mention pencils?”

Katelyn Ward: 3rd Grade, Northwestern Elementary School
“For the littlest learners, especially those Kindergarteners, practice eating a packed lunch at home: opening the lunch box, opening packages, drinks, etc. There will be staff there to help, but this will make them feel so much more prepared” 

Katlynn Renee
Start the school routine before school starts. Going to bed at an earlier time, waking up earlier, etc. Makes the first few days easier on everyone 🙂”

Loyiotalani McIntyre: Kindergarten, Sycamore Elementary
Remind kids that this is an exciting year. It’s ok to make mistakes and to mess up. Your teachers are here to help you. EVERYONE IN OUR CLASS IS FAMILY FOR THE YEAR. NO ONE IS DIFFERENT OR BETTER THAN ANYONE ELSE growing up on the south side of Chicago with little or no resources, I learned that. LASTLY, take a deep breath, parents and students. The year may be challenging but it will be fun and worth it. ❤️”

Morgan Rupert
”Remind kids to be kind. Not every child will be able to come with new school supplies, new school clothes, etc. Especially being in new classrooms. Remind your kids to look for the other kids that are left out and include every single individual. We never know what these kids are dealing with at home.”

Gee Low
”Parents, you are the first and most important teacher in your child’s life. If you’re treating school like a burden instead of an investment, you’re teaching your kids that their education doesn’t matter. So when they get to school, they are disrespectful to the learning environment because it ‘doesn’t matter’ or ‘it’s a waste of time/materials.’ How will your child learn anything from us with that kind of mentality? Help us help your child(ren). ❤️”

Courtney Backer
Make sure they are getting plenty of sleep! Even middle schoolers and high schoolers should not be allowed to stay up as late as they want. It does have a negative impact on their day. Also, please, please, please watch their social media!”

Gemita Alava
“School will be starting soon. I want to ask you a favor. Sit down with your child for 5 minutes and explain that there is no reason to make fun of someone for being tall, short, chubby, skinny, Black, White or Hispanic. There’s nothing wrong with wearing the same shoes 👞 👟 every day. Explain to them that a used backpack 🎒 carries the same dreams as a new one. ❤ Please teach them not to exclude anyone for ‘being different’ or not having the same possibilities as another. Explain to them that teasing hurts... and that school is for going to LEARN, NOT to compete. ❤️ You and I are worth the same!!!!💡 Education starts at home💡”


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