Honoring Heroes: 9/11 Memorial Workout Comes to Kokomo

A somber day in history has united Americans for more than 20 years and on Saturday, Sept. 9 you can make a difference right here in Kokomo by remembering and paying tribute to the firefighters, police officers, first responders, and citizens who demonstrated unwavering bravery on the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

One meaningful way to honor these heroes is through the 9/11 Memorial Event at Kokomo Municipal Stadium on Saturday, Sept. 9. This events are not just physical challenges; they are a symbol of resilience, a tribute to those who gave their all, and a reminder that we can overcome adversity when we come together as a community.

Beginning at 8:46 a.m., when the first hijacked plane hit the North Tower of the World Trade Center, the community will join together and participate in up to four events to honor those lost in this attack.

“Just thinking of 9/11, how tough it had to be for those departments and what they were going through and every year after,” said event planner Shannon Spencer. “[This is] taking something bad that happened and trying to make something good out of it.”

This all-ability day features a 5K run, a Hero (Crossfit) WOD (workout of the day), a stair climb event and a memorial walk. Two years ago, during the 9/11 stair climb at the Kokomo Family YMCA, Spencer was approached by Kokomo Fire Department Capt. Jason Braden about wanting to make the memorial event larger. Spencer, being a runner and having previous experience with planning 5Ks, saw the importance of including an event everyone could participate in.

“By adding an opportunity for walking or running in the 5K, as well as including a one-mile walk around the stadium, it makes it more accessible for participants,” said Spencer.

There will also be stair climbing machines from Anytime Fitness and Planet Fitness to represent the 110 floors of stairs it took first responders to reach the victims of the attack.

Capt. Jason Braden, an 18-year veteran of the Kokomo Fire Department, said the stair climb event is modeled after a longstanding event in Indianapolis -- but this year's event offers more opportunities for those who aren't interested in the 110-floor stair climb. He noted that four fitness facilities, One More Gym, Planet Fitness, the Kokomo Family YMCA and CrossFit Kokomo, are all joining together for this impactful cause.

For Braden, who has completed the stairclimb every year since its inception, the physical aspects of the climb can be grueling, but it's a small price to pay to honor the first responders who lost their lives that day.

"It's nothing compared to what they went through," he said, adding that he thinks many firefighters feel the same.

"I think 9/11 fueled the fire in their careers," he said. "I know it did for me."

Currently, there are more than 200 people participating in the events, but the number is expected to grow, said Spencer. With participants signed up from all over central Indiana, including Muncie and Peru, Spencer refers to the familial bond created between first responders.

“You hear a lot of people talk about being a firefighter or a police officer you join another family and honestly, you really do. For me, it’s getting to meet my extended family. The camaraderie between everyone is a warm feeling.”

With a fundraising goal of $5,000 last year, the goal of this year’s event was $10,000. As of the last count, $13,000 has already been raised to be split equally between the Fraternal Order of Police Family Scholarship, and Carl Koontz (who was an officer killed in the line of duty in 2016) and Fire Captain Marty Meyers (who lost his life to COVID-19 in 2021) Scholarship Fund

Pastor Charlie from Abundant Life Church will join the opening ceremony at 8 a.m., which will include a helicopter flyover at Kokomo Municipal Stadium, playing of the bagpipes and presentation of the colors from the VFW. Following the presentation, Kokomo Police Department Chief Doug Stout, Kokomo Fire Department Chief Chris Frazier and Howard County Sheriff Jerry Asher will speak on what the fundraiser means to them as first responders.

You can sign up for these events by clicking here.


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