5 Ways to Be the Coolest Trick-or-Treating Stop on the Block
With the rising popularity of trunk-or-treat events, the traditional trick-or-treating may be a thing of the past, but not for everyone! Our family loves having our neighbors stop by to exchange treats for a glimpse of their costume or disguises. If you want to help the cause and uphold the tradition of safe and fun neighborhood trick-or-treating, try out a few of these ways to be the coolest trick-or-treating stop on your local block!
Keep on Your Porch Lights
Photo From Unsplash
Keeping your porch light on is the universal sign for trick-or-treaters to know you have treats for them! Don’t forget this at 5 p.m. on Oct. 31, the official trick-or-treat hours for Kokomo, Russiaville, and Greentown. Be sure your sidewalk and porch are clear for those visitors about to greet you with the options of tricks or treats.
Set the Scene by Decorating the Outside of your House
Photo From Unsplash
Whether your decorating for fall, spooky season, or both, decorating your home makes it seem a bit more inviting for trick-or-treaters to stop by. Imagine a red and blue Kokomo Wildkats-themed house and you in your game-day gear or having the KokoMantis in your front yard! Decorations can be store-bought or DIY and look awesome during those dark fall evenings.
Want to be a little extra? You can add extra lighting, a fog machine, or even a bubble machine and you’ll hear trick-or-treaters leave saying, “Don’t forget about this house next year!”
Play Music
Youtube has plenty of spooky sound videos to give your trick-or-treaters a fright. We prefer to make our own playlist with a fun party feel. You can’t forget about Michael Jackson’s, “Thriller” and the classic “Monster Mash.”
Hand Out Something Unique
Photo from Unsplash
This is the thing that brings trick-or-treaters to your door! After 3 years, we are now known as the house that passes out full-size candy bars. You can have a lot of fun with this, but pre-packaged items are still the best. We have a wide variety of small businesses you can support in this venture like some old fashion candy from Old Time Mercantile, J. Edwards chocolate-covered Rice Krispies, or some caramel apple popcorn from the Popcorn Cafe. I remember receiving fun items like fruit snacks, Little Debbie snacks, and even stickers! What you hand out can relate to a special theme or even your career. As children, we always stopped by our Dentist’s home on Halloween to get a new toothbrush.
Dress Up in a Costume
Photo from Unsplash
Just because you aren’t trick-or-treating doesn’t mean you (or your pet) shouldn’t dress up! Go big or stay simple, it's all in good fun! (Just be prepared to explain who/what you are to those trick-or-treaters of a different generation.)
I expect to see some local celebrity costumes like Mayor Tyler Moore and Clifford the Big Red Dog!
Are you the coolest trick-or-treating house on your block? (Maybe your neighbor is, give them a shout-out!) Check out a few our our local favorites in our Kokomo Halloween Decoration Highlights article. Share what unique things you do to celebrate and share with your neighbors in the comments below. We’ll see you for trick-or-treating from 5 to 8 p.m. on Oct. 31 in Kokomo, Greentown, and Russiaville.