Howard County 4-H Fair Begins with Project Judging

TKP Photo | Alli Lee

For guests and spectators, the Howard County 4-H Fair will begin Monday, July 8. Meanwhile, fair time has already begun for Howard County 4-H members who have submitted their exhibits to judges this week. 4-H youth learn and work to prepare project exhibits and livestock exhibits for the Howard County 4-H Fair all year long.

4-H is a national positive youth development organization that reaches youth in grades 3-12. In its traditional structure, youth who join 4-H select and prepare projects to be exhibited at a county fair. According to organizers, Howard County 4-H currently offers 74 project options in which youth can learn new skills through hands-on experiences.

Student Lillian Boxell and her family attended pre-fair judging earlier this week to turn in her projects and hear the judges comments.

“Sewing is my favorite project, and I learned about the consumer clothing project this year,” Boxell shared.

Jodie Schmitt, the Howard County 4-H Extension educator, said that in addition to what 4-H members learn from their projects, they have the opportunity to grow as leaders, attend camps or events, and earn scholarships.

“The modern day 4-H program truly has something to match the interests of everyone,” Schmitt said.

Schmitt said the chance to see the creative exhibits made by 4-H youth. is one of the highlights of the summer.

“I enjoy seeing [4-H members] gain confidence and hearing the pride they take in their work when they tell you about their project,” Schmitt said.

The 4-H program is powered by adult volunteers who you’ll find serving as 4-H club leaders and assisting with 4-H programs throughout the year.

Maggie Guyer, a Howard County 4-H Horse & Pony Club leader and adult volunteer, shared how special it is to serve her community through the 4-H program.

“I love watching the kids grow through their projects,” she said. “It’s really special.”

The Horse & Pony show is one of many 4-H events that occur before the fair. You can find the full schedule here.

Those interested in joining the 4-H program for next year are encouraged to enroll online beginning Oct. 1 or call the Howard County Purdue Extension Office at (765) 456-4313.


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