The UP and UP Podcast - Ep. 16 - Howard County Food Access Alliance

The UP and UP Podcast hosted by Sherry Rahl from Kokomo Urban Outreach helps our community learn about the nonprofits making a difference right here in Kokomo and beyond.

Allison from the Howard County Food Access Alliance in Kokomo shares a shocking statistic for how many meals are missed in Howard County each year and what the organization is doing to help lower that number.

In the second half of the show, Russell from the UP Program at Kokomo Urban Outreach talks about what he loves about this after-school youth mentorship program and what the "almost 15" year-old likes to do in his free time.


The UP and UP Podcast - Ep. 17 - Kokomo Curtain Call Theatre for Children


Swifties, Spookies and The Seiberling - The Kokomo Post